Volunteer at Henley Green Community Garden and share the harvest, Tuesdays 9.30-11.30am, Fridays 9-11am and Sundays 4pm -6pm.


established 2018

Hunters Hill Council granted The Happy Hens a 2-year lease in 2018 for half an old bowling green at Henley Community Centre to build a community garden. On the 1st July 2023 we signed a three year lease with a two year option for the entire bowling green.

We received funding from Hunters Hill Council in 2018 to buy materials for raised garden beds. We collected large pieces of cardboard. We arranged delivery of woodchip mulch from local arborists happy to deposit their load for free. We gathered coffee grounds and husks from local cafes and pony poo from Randwick Racecourse to mix with the composting woodchips. Thus we began to create a growing medium. The garden is thriving from the investment of resources, labour and love.